
Your network is your net worth.

We are committed to enriching society by facilitating genuine human connection.

Our Story

In 2023, the US Surgeon General declared an epidemic of loneliness and isolation. Despite advancements in technology and neuroscience, outcomes for all fields of medicine have improved except for mental health.

Amidst this backdrop emerges Prompty—an innovative concept conceived within a local entrepreneurship group by an individual passionate about fostering meaningful personal connections. Recognizing the limitations of existing digital business cards and event management software in facilitating genuine relationships, a dedicated team was formed to validate and develop the platform. Prompty successfully served its first event in May of 2023, and continued to test and refine the platform leading up to its public launch in May of 2024.

Prompty was founded by James McInnes, an eclectic entrepreneur, Métis Canadian, foster care alumni, and devoted husband and father of two.

Our Mission

To provide a secure and trusted platform that empowers users to experience effortless, meaningful connections.

Our Vision

To create a more meaningfully connected world by leading the global shift from a transactional economy to a relational economy.

Our Values

Prompty is built upon the values of security, sustainability, and meaningful connection.


Trust is the ultimate currency; the foundation for all relationships and the infrastructure of exchange.
We cultivate trust through the security of our platform and the safeguarding of information.


Sustainability is our duty and legacy; preserving and protecting future generations. We embrace eco-friendly products and processes, safeguarding both people and the planet.


Connection is fundamental to life and at the core of Indigenous philosophy. We embody connection by weaving threads of unity among people, cultures, and our planet, grounded in respect and harmony.

Our Heritage

Made in Canada

Founded in the Métis Nation of Alberta district 6 within the Treaty 7 territory of Southern Alberta, Prompty is 100% Indigenous owned and proudly Canadian. We align with the Iroquois seventh generation philosophy and are dedicated to ensuring that the decisions made today result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future.